Just Pee.

2 min readJun 26, 2023


A hand outlined in red threatening to crush a stick man in a suit and tie

I am trying to remember the last time I wrote anything. I have done a lot of studying recently, a lot of ingesting, and so much learning. I know more about pressure now than I did before. I have a message for this piece but the pressure of everything I have kept in is overwhelming. It feels like I held my pee in for too long and my bladder has reached its elastic limit.

So this note is just as much for me, as it is for you. Pee immediately. Pee frequently. Just Pee.

Picture of a person sitting on a toilet showing only legs from the knees. Tissue roll on the floor by their legs
I do not own the rights to this

Your body is a vessel with use beyond accommodating pressure and internalizing pain. There are places to go, things to see, realities to build, and existences to memorialize. If you must stretch your body, it must be for a reason above regret. Meaning, you must let go of pressure and its pedigree. You must exchange it for a lifetime of memories you can laugh about. I realize that this may sound naive. Surely, you have big, big problems. I know I do. These problems seem insurmountable, yours and mine. Yet, even Pressure caves to the power of Time. Until then, stretch, build, and pee as you go.

Chizobam Ugboaja.

Life update: I have a bachelor’s degree! It seems like such a small thing if I am being honest. Small mercies deserve celebration. Take care of yourself. À tout




Unyielding. Igbo. Feminist. Representation for bad women who write